Causes that Aid in the Memorization of the Noble Quraan - 1 Contents

(اللأسباب المعينة على حفظ القرآن)

۝ وَلَقَدۡ يَسَّرۡنَا ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ لِلذِّكۡرِ فَهَلۡ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ ۝
“And We have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember, but is there any that will remember?”
[al-Qamar: 17]



1.           Introduction
2.           Benefits of Memorising the Qur’aan
3.           People of Qur’aan are a people of Exalted Rank
4.           The People of Qur’aan hope for a trade that will never perish
5.           We cannot do without the Book of Allaah ‘azza wa jall
6.           Memorisation of the Qur’aan guides you to the Straight Path
7.           Memorising Qur’aan means taking advantage of the moments of life
8.           The Qur’aan is a cure for the hardening of the heart
9.           The Qur’aan increases your Imaan
10.      Indeed in the Messenger of Allaah you have a great example
11.      Memorisation of Qur’aan is from the special characteristics of this Ummah
12.      Our Pious Predecessors and Memorisation of Qur’aan
13.      Memorisation of Qur’aan is easy and easily-accomplished
14.      Huffaadh al-Qur’aan are the people of Qur’aan
15.      None take delight in the Night prayer except the people of Qur’aan
16.      The Qur’aan puts you in the company of the Elite
17.      The Haafidh of Qur’aan… his evidence is in front of him
18.      Treasures of goodness in the memorisation of Qur’aan
19.      The Qur’aan is evidence for you or against you
20.      Hifdh al-Qur’aan eases recitation of Qur’aan at all times
21.      Hifdh al-Qur’aan is one of the causes of salvation from the Hellfire
22.      Memorisation of the Qur’aan is the dowry of the righteous women
23.      The one with the most Qur’aan leads the people
24.      There is no envy except in two
25.      From the honour of Allaah is to honour the carrier of Qur’aan
26.      Allaah raises a people by this Book
27.      Memorisation of the Qur’aan is better than the world and all that is in it
28.      The Haafidh of Qur’aan is the best of people
29.      Tranquility descends upon the people of Qur’aan and mercy envelopes them
30.      The Haafidh of Qur’aan is like a sweet-smelling fruit
31.      Memorisation of the Qur’an and Salvation from the trial of the Dajjal (Antichrist) 19
32.      With the Qur’an is the love of Allah attained
33.      The Qur’aan opens up the doors of goodness for you
34.      The Qur’an is a Cure – by the Permission of Allah
35.      The Qur’aan is the Banquet of Allaah `azza wa jall
36.      The recitor of Qur’an is a cause for his parents’ mercy
37.      The Qur’an and dispelling anxiety
38.      The Qur’aan is your soul amongst the people of the heavens
39.      The recitor of Qur’aan is not returned to senile old age
40.      The Haafidh of Qur’aan is lowered into his grave before others
41.      With the Qur’aan, you’ll be saved from the punishment of the grave and enter Paradise
42.      The Haafidh of Qur’aan is in the Shade of the Throne of the Most Merciful
43.      The Qur’aan intercedes for its companion on the Day of Judgement
44.      The Haafidh of Qur’aan will be in the company of the Noble Angels
45.      The Haafidh of Qur’aan ascends through the levels of Paradise
46.      The state of the Prophet during recitation of the Qur’aan
47.      The state of the Salaf with the Qur’aan
48.      The aspirations of the Salaf in memorising the Qur’aan
49.      The Times in which much Quranic Recitation is preferred
50.      Precious advice to the People of Qur’aan
51.      If only we did that which the Jinn have done
52.      The Qur’aan is not taken from the Mushaf alone nor is Knowledge taken from the Pages
53.      A Moment with the Soul
54.      Signs of Abandoning the Qur’aan
55.      Types of Qur’aan Abandonment
56.      Consequences of Abandoning the Qur’an
57.      They are those who do not realise the value of the Qur’aan
58.      Causes that Aid in the Memorisation of the Qur’an : -
a)     Establishing the Tawheed of Allaah (`azza wa jall)
b)    Sincerity in Intention
c)     Du’aa
d)    Seeking Forgiveness
e)     Cleansing of the soul from bad akhlaaq
f)      That he intends to adorn his heart and clean his soul by his learning
g)     Dedicating a specific time for Hifdh
h)    Have a companion to assist you in continuing the hifdh
i)       Do not become over preoccupied with memorisation that it leads you away from recitation
j)       Salah al-Haajah
k)    Reading the Tafseer (explanation) of the verses you wish to memorise
l)       Gradual progression in hifdh
m)  Adhere to a proficient Shaykh with whom you memorise
n)    Adhering to one mushaf (copy of the Qur’aan)
o)    Persisting in the Adhkar (supplications)
p)    Pray with what you have memorised
q)    Qiyam al-Lail (the Night Prayer)
r)      Do not prioritise anything over the Qur’an
s)     Penalise yourself for shortcomings
t)      Do not start memorisation except after learning the rules of recitation
u)    Know that hifdh al-Qur’an is the first step to seeking knowledge
v)    Beware of arrogance and deception
w)  Preserving wudhu (ablution) with Ihsan
x)    Strive to attain a good end
y)    Envision the delights of Paradise and the Punishment of the Hellfire
59.      Learn the Qur’an before it’s lifted from the Pages and the Hearts

Translated by: Farhia Yahya
Posted: 27th Muharram, 1439AH | 18th October, 2017CE


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